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Displaying items by tag: end times

Famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, in an episode of his podcast ‘Cosmic Queries’ discussed a threat posed by giant asteroids heading towards the Earth. In conversation with science author and cosmochemist Natalie Starkey, Tyson warned that a 370-metre wide near-Earth asteroid Apophis 99942 might spark a major tsunami that can wipe out the entire west coast of North America if it manages to hit the Earth.
Published in Podcasts
Sunday, 08 August 2021 10:09

Has The Tribulation Begun?

Sensationalism, speculation, and a lack of biblical understanding – these are the factors that contribute to the confusion surrounding the coming Tribulation. In these times of pandemic and societal upheavals, we must remember that trouble does not equal tribulation, and tribulation does not equal the Tribulation.

In his new teaching, “Has the Tribulation Begun?”, Amir Tsarfati places the seven years of God’s wrath back onto the firm foundation of Scripture and reassures the church that when the Tribulation begins we will not be here to experience it.

Source: Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel
Published in Podcasts
Saturday, 24 June 2017 20:11

Antichrist! The Little Horn

Published in Videos
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