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Saturday, 02 July 2016 09:02

Who Is Lucifer?

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Did you know that Lucifer never spent a single day in Hell!

That’s right! Lucifer, Satan, the accuser, the liar, and murderer is still out there!

The FBI is not even hinting at looking for him!

All those Hollywood producers got him pictured all wrong!

Artists don’t do him justice!

He isn’t all red, ugly, and has no tail; in fact He is the most beautiful creature God has ever created.

He still looks the same today, and he does not have pitch fork!

He still has access to Heaven, in fact he spends more time there than here!

Says who?

The Bible!

What you have been taught in schools, books, movies, and even churches has all been lies!

You have been duped by Lucifer himself!

So what else have you been duped with?

Don’t want to look like a fool, read the Bible and see for yourself what the TRUTH really is!

Read 3589 times